
Share your powerful and unique voice

From the Author, Mom

So, here I am. On a Wednesday afternoon. I just turned 41. I’m a Christian. I am the staunchest of conservatives. I’m an only-child. I’m married. I have a beautiful, sweet, articulate two-year-old daughter (wow, I’m a mom – how did that happen?). And I recently tuned in to God’s instruction to write… to write anything. All of that to say, I just had to start somewhere, so after I muttered the supplication of, “OK, God,” I started typing. I’m not exactly – or even approximately – sure what I am supposed to write about, though. Faith, family, fears, friends, random observations? it’s a start…and my fingers are tingling with the urge to etch my voice on paper.

Quicker than I thought possible, I find myself with five books, a website, and a small but loyal fan base. Moreover, a critic recently told me that I had a “voice.” Who knew?

Faith… God proves Himself to me over and over and OVER again – in the biggest and smallest of ways. I always smile after I see Him and the work He does I suspect, though, that mature faith intends for me to smile before I see Him. Better yet, to be able to see Him in ALL things. “Surely the Lord is in this place,” no matter the place.